


Why working a list properly will always pay off

Why working a list properly will always pay off

Image Source – Roger Reuver (CC License) Working a data list can sometimes feel like wading through treacle, especially if it is a cold list with lots of dead or incorrect data. However it is important when undertaking B2B appointment setting, to have a mindset of a detective when working a list, in order to analyse all the scraps of information from the calling activity; gaining information from repeated calls, brief conversations with gatekeepers & influencers, and reaching decision maker voice mails….

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Essential techniques for lead nurturing success

Lead nurturing is an essential part of any sales strategy, as it forms the foundation of your sales pipeline. Nurturing is the ability to look after and educate qualified sales leads that are not yet ready to buy. This then can allow you to build a strong brand image amongst your prospects long before they’re actively engaged in the sales process. Effective and well planned nurturing will also help you better understand their needs and find out about their renewal…

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What role should telemarketing play within a B2B marketing strategy?

(Image: Pexels) Whatever the state of the economy, every successful business will be constantly searching for new clients that can benefit from their services and products, yet generating high quality leads has proven to be one of the biggest challenges that B2B marketers face. Marketing teams tend to churn out multi channel campaigns in an attempt to get as many leads as possible, hoping that one will resonate with the audience and generate a lead. This rather ‘hit and miss’…

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Lead Generation Services and Technology Companies – a perfect fit

The early uptake of B2B telemarketing channels by emerging IT and technology companies during the initial boom in the early nineties, really cemented the foundation of a very cogent business synergy. Technology companies quickly became aware, that due to the very cyclic nature of the industry, that the most time and cost efficient route to market was using a professional B2B telemarketing company. The truth is, telemarketing is one of the most important strategic components to successful marketing and…

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Why lead scoring is crucial to build a sales pipeline

For any company’s lead generation strategy the goal is obviously generating leads, however this alone does not guarantee a sustainable sales pipeline, as it will not differentiate between ready to close deals, nurturing prospects and window shopping. In fact it can cause a detrimental effect on the effectiveness of your sales team’s performance. The solution to this is a system which can score the prospect during the sales processes. VSL has used its many years of experience of lead generation…

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The Benefits of Intelligent Calling vs Spin Dialling

There has been a growing trend with telemarketing companies over the years, to integrate auto-dialler systems or spin dialling into their working processes. This has come about partly due to market demand – huge increase in marketing surveys and B2C telesales. Also partly by the advances in the systems themselves which can now integrate into most major CRM solutions, with call back and voice mail functions, combined with the every increasing availability of faster connectivity. These systems do provide a…

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The Importance of Market Research

(Image: Pexels) If you are a business owner looking to enter a new market place or increase your share in a current market, understanding the scale of the opportunity is crucial. Having the right market intelligence will allow you to allocate your resources appropriately. This then translates into realistic targets for your sales staff selling a product or service at an appropriate competitive price. However these actions and decisions must be understood in context of the size and nature of…

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Is Social Media a Friend or Foe for B2B Email Marketing?

The recent trend of the ever increasing popularity of social media and its interaction with click throughs within the B2B marketing community, has meant businesses have been increasingly spending their marketing budgets on developing their social media footprint often at the expense of the established B2B marketing tools of email and telemarketing. VSL has always kept a keen eye on new marketing trends and accordingly we have adapted our marketing strategies to accommodate and best utilise the new media to…

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New EU Data Laws – How this will affect B2B Telemarketing

Under the new EU Data Regulations business development will be severely restricted as companies will be banned from gathering personal data without consent, this is going to have a major impact on how companies will able to conduct certain marketing and sales initiatives. The new EU Data regulation makes no distinction between B2B and B2C with regard to data restrictions. ‘Personal’ data is defined as ‘full name, job title, work email address, direct line etc’. This will have massive implications…

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Database Development – Is there such a thing as bad data?

Sourcing Data – What’s the Big Deal? Data is data, right? Well yes data is data, but like an apple is an apple, how good is that apple to eat? The same with data, you can have green unripe data, with some good basic information but also with a lot of blanks. Then you have overripe data,where nothing has been updated in ages, where contact names and telephone numbers have all changed. The holy grail to any successful B2B telemarketing…

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